
Last Updated: 8 January 2024 Effective Date: 15 December 2021

We are a provider of data center services centered on the delivery of on-demand server infrastructure.

We do not manage the content or applications hosted from our infrastructure as this is the direct responsibility of our customers, many of whom are, in fact, hosting resellers. It's possible that the information you are requesting belongs to the client of our client or even to a client another tier down.

How to submit a subpoena?

Strasmore, Inc. accepts subpoenas sent via email, regular or overnight mail, and hand-delivery.

Strasmore, Inc.
Abuse Department
2522 Chambers Road Suite 100
Tustin, CA 92780
[email protected]

How and when will we reply to a subpoena?

Pursuant to the terms of its TOS, Strasmore will respond to all valid subpoenas or court orders from entities and courts who have proper subpoena power and jurisdiction over Strasmore. It is important to include as much detail and information as possible or allowed within the subpoena.

The following are the basic requirements:

We understand the generally time-sensitive nature of each subpoena request. Unless we are required to notify our customer of the subpoena and allow them the opportunity to object or otherwise respond, we have a turn-around time of 24 hours or less, excluding special circumstances and/or in a situation where there is missing or incomplete information in the request.

We will provide responses to the subpoena via email or regular mail, so please include your preferred method of delivery and your contact information. We are required to disable accounts engaged in illegal activity, even if that activity is brought to our attention through a request for records. If disabling or restricting user access to the user's profile will jeopardize your investigation, you should clearly specify "DO NOT DISABLE UNTIL XX/XX/XXXX" on your request. Please note however, if the matter has already been reported independently to our operations team; they may take independent action.