
Jun 13, 2018

10 min read

How to install Froxlor control panel in Ubuntu 18.04

Written by

Vippy The VPS
Froxlor is an open source lightweight server management control panel to effectively manage web hosting, domain names, FTP accounts, email accounts, support tickets and customers that are associated with them, and is licensed under GPL 2.0. In this tutorial, we'll look at how to install Froxlor in Ubuntu 18.04. With Froxlor, you can get the raw administrative power of cPanel without paying a dime.


  • A VPS running Ubuntu 18.04. For details on upgrading your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS to 18.04, see our upgrading tutorial.
  • A registered domain name.
  • A DNS A record that points to your server’s IP address based on the FQDN you want to use. For example, an A record named test would point to test.DOMAIN.TLD.


  • This tutorial uses variables to represent user-specific configurations, such as server IP addresses, passwords, domain names, and more. Whenever you see one of these variables (which appear like so: VARIABLE), you should replace them with your specific details.
  • In, example is the SUBDOMAIN, ssdnodes is the DOMAIN, and .com is the TLD.

Step 1. Configure the FQDN of the host

To change the hostname of your system, use the hostnamectl command. hostnamectl will directly update the kernel about the change in the hostname, and you don’t need to reboot the machine afterward. We’re going to choose the hostname based on the subdomain we’ll use to access the control panel later.
$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname SUBDOMAIN
Next, edit the file /etc/hosts and add the following line at the end.
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
Here’s an example using a fake IP, panel as the subdomain/hostname, and a domain of mine.
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
123.456.78.9 dwijadasdey
Run the command below to restart network manager to apply above changes:
$ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
Check the hostname and FQDN of the host:
$ hostname
$ hostname -f

Step 2. Install LAMP

Unlike other hosting panels, Froxlor does not come with a pre-installed LAMP stack. The easiest and fastest way of installing a LAMP stack is to use tasksel, a tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated “task” in your system. tasksel is installed by default in Ubuntu 18.04. If tasksel is missing from your system then install it by issuing following command from the terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install tasksel
To run tasksel from the command
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