
Feb 22, 2017

6 min read

How to Test SSD Hosting Performance

Written by

Vippy The VPS


One of the primary reasons tech-savvy consumers choose SSD-based hosting like you get with SSD Nodes is that they want top-tier performance. You might think all SSD hosting performance is the same, but that's far from the truth. Real performance depends on a solid platform—how does yours stack up?

If you're already an SSD Nodes customer, we'd love to see you try out some of these benchmarks and let us know about the results. If you're hosted elsewhere, maybe it's time to see if your host lives up to their promises.

Perform a network speed test

Speedtest is the ubiquitous platform for users who want to see just how fast (or slow) their new connection is compared to the other available options. Did you know that you can use the same platform to see how well your VPS performs? Thanks to a small command line tool from Github user sivel, it's well within your reach, and it's easy to get running.

Just download the script and make it executable.

wget -O speedtest-cli
chmod +x speedtest-cli

After that, you can run the script:

speedtest-cli --share

The '--share' argument will output a URL leading to an image that you can use to share on social media or with your hosting provider. If you have a VPS with SSD Nodes, send us your results!

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